Lip Filler & Rejuvenation

Lip filler to enhance and rejuvenate your lips
Lip filler is an effective and affordable way to enhance the appearance of your lips. Our skilled professionals employ cutting-edge techniques to achieve natural-looking results with minimal discomfort. Our lip filler can give you the full, voluptuous lips you want, whether you want to add fullness to thin lips, soften wrinkles and smoker’s lines around the mouth or just redefine the shape of your lips. Rejuven8 Cosmetix has a reputation for creating beautiful looking lips that will always be in harmony with your natural beauty, your natural facial features and will always be ‘age appropriate’.
We believe that beautiful, full and well-defined lips are timeless. Whether you want to add more volume, redefine borders, reduce lip lines or even create a perfect Cupid’s Bow, our team can give you the full and youthful lips you’ve always wanted. We can provide you with long-lasting and natural-looking results by using advanced injectable techniques and a range of lip filler depending upon the results you desire. Our experts employ a variety of techniques to achieve the best finished effect while remaining subtle and keeping the lips looking natural.
Contact us for more information and let us help you in achieving the desired look.
Lip filler are a non-surgical, effective and affordable way to improve the size and shape of your lips or rejuvenate the skin around the lips. During treatment, a special hyaluronic acid (HA) gel is injected into and around the lips with a very fine needle. The lip filler helps to plump and shape the lips and soften fine wrinkles around the lips, giving them a fuller and more defined appearance. Lip fillers produce immediate results and can last for up to six months, depending on the product used.
Contact us to discuss your treatment options. We will gladly answer any questions you have and assist you in finding the best solution for your needs.
Lip filler use hyaluronic gel to add volume and definition to the lips. The injection is administered with a very fine needle, which helps to ensure that the product is evenly distributed throughout the lip area. Lip filler can be used to re create symmetry and a natural harmony between the lip area and the rest of the face.
Lip filler can provide many benefits including smooth, plump lips, a more balanced facial symmetry, and a more youthful appearance to wrinkled, aged skin around the lips. The results are instantaneous and can last for up to 6 months depending on the type of product used.
In preparation for your treatment session:
- A Complimentary Consultation can be done immediately before your treatment to ensure that this treatment is appropriate and safe for you to have done and assess the amount of injectable product required to achieve your desired result
- Avoid taking blood thinning medications and supplements – these increase the risk of severe bruising
- Avoid alcohol for 48hrs before treatment – this increases the risk of severe bruising
- Avoid excess sun exposure prior to your treatment
- Avoid any cosmetic treatments that may lead to inflammation or peeling prior to your treatment
- Please ‘ask the team’ or call the clinic for detailed advice on how to prepare for your treatment
After the treatment:
- Your practitioner will provide you with a written aftercare instruction sheet with advice on what to expect after your treatment and how to look after it
- You may experience redness, swelling, bruising and mild discomfort in the areas treated that will settle over a few days
- Cold compresses can be used if necessary
- Clean the skin with a gentle cleanser for 2 days and do not use any ‘active’ or acidic skin care for 2 days. Please ask your therapist for advice on the perfect post treatment skin care regimen to enhance and complement your results
- Avoid strenuous exercise with excess sweating for 2 days
- Avoid swimming in pools for 1 week
- Avoid excess sun exposure for 2 weeks
- High quality cosmeceutical mineral makeup can be applied the day after the treatment
- Healite LED light therapy in the week after the treatment is advisable to promote healing, minimise redness & bruising and reduce downtime
- Is advisable to book a ‘follow up’ appointment 2-4 weeks after the treatment to review the progress of your treatment
- Please ‘ask the team’ or call the clinic for detailed advice on your post treatment aftercare
Due to TGA Regulations we are unable to list pricing for this treatment. Please click here to book a free consultation with our Cosmetic Doctor or one of our Registered Cosmetic Nurses where they will quote you a price for this treatment.
- Add Healite LED Light to reduce the risk & severity of bruising $49
What is lip rejuvenation and lip enhancement treatment?
Lip filler is injected into the lips to re-volumize them, improve their shape and improve skin texture to reduce fine lip lines and bleeding vertical lip lines. Lip fillers are used to give the lips more definition and structure, as well as improve their symmetry.
Why do people need lip fillers?
Lip fillers are often chosen for cosmetic reasons to improve the appearance of lips that have thinned with age or simply to enhance the shape and size of the lips. Lip filler may also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, add definition to thin lips, or even improve facial symmetry. In addition to aesthetic improvement, lip filler can also boost hydration levels and prevent fine wrinkles and dryness on the lips.
Which areas can be treated?
The areas where lip fillers can be used:
- Vertical Lip Wrinkles (‘smoker’s or lipstick ‘bleed’ lines) – These are fine creases visible above and below the top and bottom lips. They often extend onto the lips as well and can be quite deep on the top lip extending towards the nose.
- Narrow Lips – This is sometimes a family feature or physical appearance that is shared by several family members. It can be exacerbated by the loss of a visible lip border because of cold sores and sun damage.
- General enhancement of size, fullness and shape – Lip filler are commonly used to give an increased volume to the lips. Specialised techniques are used to create your desired result whether it’s ‘A Classic Lip’, ‘A Russian Lip’, ‘A French Lip’ or your personal ‘Designed Lip’.
How long do the effects of lip filler last?
The effects of lip fillers typically last for up to six months, however, this can vary depending on the type of product used.
Will my skin appear frozen and unnatural?
No, lip filler will not make your skin appear frozen or unnatural. The results should be natural and subtle, enhancing your lips and mouth rather than changing them completely.
Is the process painful?
The procedure is relatively painless, but everyone’s pain threshold varies. The use of local anaesthetic injections and numbing creams can be used to minimise any discomfort and this will be discussed prior to your lip filler treatment.
Are there any side effects?
Side effects are relatively rare, however, like any other medical procedure there may be some risks involved depending upon the area treated and your cosmetic practitioner will discuss this fully before your treatment. Some immediate effects include tenderness, redness, swelling and bruising. These effects usually subside in a few days.
What is the cost?
The cost of treatment varies depending on the area to be treated, the type of lip filler that is required, the volume of lip filler needed and the number of treatments recommended. During your consultation, one of our cosmetic practitioners will determine the amount of lip filler needed, which can be immediately followed by your treatment. Before your treatment begins, you will always be asked to approve the number of units and the cost.
Book a consultation
Your aesthetic concerns are unique to you, which is why we recommend scheduling a Complimentary Consultation to discuss your specific needs and expectations. During the consultation, our experienced team of specialists will discuss which treatments are appropriate and provide a tailored treatment plan that is best suited to achieve results within your budget. We prioritize open communication and informed decision-making, ensuring that you feel confident and comfortable throughout your aesthetic journey.
Rest assured that our dedicated team is dedicated to your safety, satisfaction, and achieving the best possible outcomes. We look forward to welcoming you for your consultation and embarking on this transformative experience together. Your unique vision is our top priority, and we’re excited to help you achieve it. Ask The Team Book Now Book A Consultation