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The slideshow featured below gives detailed information about Eye Rejuvenation and the most effective treatments available! The slideshow was written by Kirra Cameron R.N Registered Cosmetic Nurse, to help educate consumers on the different factors that may be affecting your eyes and how Tear Troughs, Bagging, Fine lines and Wrinkles can be safely treated.


1. Eye Rejuvenation Tear Troughs, Bagging, Fine lines and Wrinkles

2. Eyes are the window to the soul and the very first thing people look at when greeting you. Eyes can give away your age, and reversing the signs of eye ageing such as droopy eyelids, bags under the eyes, and wrinkles can make a dramatic difference to your age. “Opening’’ the eyes will make you look more youthful, as well as more beautiful. ‘’Filling’’ troughs will make you look less tired and sad.

3. Extrinsic Factors 1. Diet 2. UV Exposure 3. Alcohol 4. Smoking Intrinsic Factors 1. Skin 2. Muscle Movement 3. Fat Pad Resorption 4. Bone Resorption Facial Aging

4. Diet • Balanced nutrition is essential not only to prevent chronic disease, but also to maintain healthy and normal skin functioning. • Nutrients, such as Vitamin A, C, E, D and B3 play a crucial role in the normal functioning of the skin as they are packed with Antioxidants • Antioxidants battle free radicals – which are unstable forms of oxygen that damage cell function. • The build up of free radicals contributes to the ageing process and the ageing process increases free radical production. Catch 22!! • That means your diet should be healthier than ever with the passage of time.

5. UV Exposure (Photoaging) • Although our skin weakens with time naturally, the primary cause of skin damage is ultraviolet radiation from the sun. • Sun damage doesn’t happen overnight, the damage may take years to develop. • The suns UV rays do not only damage the outer skin layer, they also damage the underlying structure composed of collagen and elastin fibres. • Collagen and elastin are the structure of the skin that maintains both elasticity, strength and firmness.

6. • The ultraviolet rays that are responsible for the outside damage (eg pigmentation) are known as UVB rays (B= Burning) • The ultraviolet rays responsible for underlying damage to collagen and elastin are known as UVA rays (A= Aging) • Prevent sun damage to face by limiting the amount of time you spend unprotected in the sun • Use a broad spectrum sunscreen, hat and covering clothes.

7. Think your becoming more attractive? Only temporary… At its best.

8. Becoming more unattractive is the LASTING EFFECT of the sun!!!

9. • Alcohol is a hepatotoxin, meaning it specifically damages the liver. It’s a toxin to the cells that detoxifies your body. How does that affect our skin? • One way to look at it is to ask what does someone look like who is dying of liver failure? They’re sallow, they’re pasty, they’re cold, their pores are huge!!!! • All alcohol dehydrates. This means your skin will appear less plump and fresh • Mixed alcoholic drinks contain sugar. Sugar anywhere in the diet, along with other excessive carbs, leads to systemic inflammation, which contributes ultimately to cell damage and increased skin ageing

10. • Smoking Promotes wrinkling and older-looking skin • When you smoke, the blood flow in your skin decreases, because the capillaries constrict. • When the skin in your face does not get enough blood it also does not get enough oxygen and nutrients. • Ultimately the underlying collagen and elastin fibres become damaged Smoking

11. When you think about how your face changes over time, it’s easy to focus on the outward signs such as wrinkles that appear on the surface. However, the outward signs of ageing are often a result of changes in the different layers of the facial structure. This is because the ageing process causes changes from deep down at the bone level through muscle, subcutaneous tissue and up to the skin. So remember, it’s important to consider what’s underneath the skin as well. Intrinsic Aging

12. The Skin – The skin ages when the epidermis begins to thin.  Internal and external factors cause changes to the surface of our skin slowing down the replacement of old skin cells with new ones.  Internally, the natural substances that provide the skin with support, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, decrease over time. As does the activity of sebaceous glands, which reduces the skin’s ability to retain moisture and stay supple.

13. Externally, the single most important contributing factor to the appearance of ageing skin is photoaging.  This affects both skin texture and pigmentation.  As we age the skin’s capillaries and small blood vessels pull away from the skin, reducing blood flow. The more superficial vessels can thicken from sun exposure, reducing their capacity to nourish the skin. When the skin loses elasticity it is less able to resist stretching. Coupled with gravity, muscle pull and tissue changes, the skin begin to wrinkle. The skin is less able to resist mechanical damage and heals slower from insult. Water loss and breakdown of bonds between cells also reduces the barrier function of the skin, which can cause the development of a number of skin disorders, including wrinkles.

14. Muscle Movement – Over time our facial muscles decrease in strength and tone, thus reducing the amount of support they provide to the soft tissues above them. When we’re young our skin springs back easily into its initial position when we make facial expressions. However, as we age the repeated action of the facial muscles – combined with a loss of skin elasticity – means that the dynamic wrinkles (those formed during facial expressions) remain on the skin and form static wrinkles (the wrinkles and folds that are present at rest)

15. Fat Pad Resorption – The youthful face is characterised by a diffuse, balanced distribution of superficial and deep fat. As we age the underlying support provided by our skull and the fat pads, responsible for the fullness, changes and the fat on our face redistributes. Also known as loss of volume Collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin also contribute to the youthful contours and volume in the face.

16. The bones of our face form the ‘foundation’ over which the other layers sit. As we age, the structure of our bones change, which can cause the foundation to become more or less prominent in relation to each other. This, in turn, can affect the look of fullness in these areas or can subtly alter the balance of our features. Bone Resorption.

17. One of the key features of facial aging is volume loss. This is particularly noticeable just below the eyes. The lower eyelid is supported by several fat pads. When these fat pads undergo age-related shrinkage, the lower eyelid tends to sag downward and bulge forward, giving the appearance of lower eyelid bags. The hollow ‘valley’ that form between the lower eyelid and the face is called the tear trough, which slopes form the inner corner of the eye down towards the cheek hollow. Lets Look at the Anatomy of the Eye So what specifically happens to our eyes when we age?

18. Muscle contraction , combined with the depletion of collagen and elastin in the skin, leads to ‘’crows feet’’, fine lines and wrinkles. (this effect is accentuated by excessive sun exposure, poor diet and smoking) The muscles around the eyes begin to relax causing the lower eyelids to also become baggy and the upper eyelids to sag.

19. The skin and underlying fat surrounding the eye is indeed of different quality, texture and colour compared to the rest of the face. The subcutaneous tissue between the tissue and the skin is very minimal, compared to the rest of the face dark circles can appear due to volume loss (shadowing) However some dark circles are due to a distinct melanocytic hyperpigmentation in the skin in the tear trough. In some instances, the skin takes on almost a transparent appearance.

20. As we age our eyes are often the first part of our body that begins to deteriorate from this tear troughs are formed. The tear trough refers to the middle 1/3 of the periorbital hollow. In 1961 the term ‘’nasojungal groove’’ was used to describe the concavity from the border of the eyelid to the middle of the cheek. In 1969 this groove was first named the ‘’Tear Trough’’- which has been used till this day. In early aging it may be the only area of concavity visible Tear Troughs

21. • The anatomy of the tear trough deformity is actually caused by a pulling ligament • So…. In other words the skin and muscle of the lower eyelid are actually tethered down inside the eye, causing a trough. • This explains why sometimes even very young clients in their early 20’s have tear trough deformities

22. Tear Trough Classification Class 1 Clients have volume loss limited to the corner of the tear trough. These clients may also have mild central cheek flattening

23. Class 2 Clients have volume loss to both the corner and middle of the tear trough. Clients have moderate flattening and volume loss to cheeks.

24. Class 3 Clients have significant volume loss to entire tear trough area. Advance volume loss is seen also to entire cheek area.

25. Eye rejuvenation treatments refer to techniques designed to rejuvenate the appearance of the eye and eyelid area, known as the ‘peri-orbital’ or ‘peri-ocular’ region. Many men and women each year undergo surgical treatments related to eye rejuvenation. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), eye bag removal, browlift etc making it the second most common cosmetic procedures performed. However, before considering invasive surgeries, it is important to know that major eye rejuvenation improvements can be made safely using non-invasive and even non-ablative technologies! Eye Rejuvenation

26. Eye and eyelid rejuvenation depends on many factors including dark circles, prominent eye bags, droopy eyelids, skin texture and wrinkles. All of these factors will have to be addressed by different techniques. The best solution for periorbital or eyelid rejuvenation is a tailored program – this often entails a combination of: 1. Eye infusions 2. Botox/Dysport 3. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers 4. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) 5. Dermapen

27. Here at R8 we offer the Anti-Aging Eye Treatment. This treatment is designed to rejuvenate the eye area by reducing localised puffiness, addressing dark circles and fine lines. This is done by using the Sonophoresis DF Machine, to brighten, rehydrate and firm delicate skin around the eye area Eye Infusions

28. Dr Des Fernandes, founder of Environ, invented the revolutionary DF Machine which incorporates the simultaneous use of Iontophotresis and Sonophoresis to provide the skin with maximum penetration of active ingredients for best possible results. Sonophoresis involves the use of sound waves to transport vitamin molecules through the skin by creating channels, for better penetration. It is used on limited areas such as the upper lip and around the eyes. How does the Sonophoresis Work?

29. Muscle relaxants can help reduce and prevent wrinkling of the eyes – also known as crows feet. ‘If it doesn’t crinkle, it doesn’t wrinkle.’ Botox is an excellent starting point for eye rejuvenation- especially in patients between the mid 20s to the early 40s. This can prevent crows feet and also reduce eye bags due to excessive muscle contraction. This release of muscle tension using Botox/Dysport can improve eye bags instantly. Botox/Dysport

30. BTXA in Younger Clients

31. Once you reach the late 40s and 50s; Botox to the eye area should be combined with other treatments. Why? It is because your skin, especially under the eye, gets looser as collagen decrease causing the supporting structures change. Using Botox only to the area with loose skin can actually make the wrinkles under your eyes look worse. Combining treatments; Botox with Dermapen, PRP, Filler or with eye infusions is the ideal method of creating harmony- that is addressing skin texture, collagen stimulation, tone and volume.

32. Combining BTXA and Other Treatments Older Clients

33. Injectable HA dermal fillers are a non-invasive alternative for eye bagging and tear trough surgery. HA fillers are being successfully use for rejuvenation of the lower eyelid and correction of tear trough deformities. Why? They have the advantage of being a gel consistency; which means the product sits and flows nicely under the skin. It is malleable and reversible. Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler and Tear Troughs

34. Dermal fillers are gels, which can be injected into the skin to fill out wrinkles & deep skin folds, correct tear troughs. Hyaluronic Acid is naturally occurring in the skin and is responsible for keeping the skin hydrated/plump and maintaining the skins elasticity. As we age, the hyaluronic acids in our skin becomes depleted, resulting in fine lines & wrinkles, poor tone and increased skin laxity. HA fillers are NON-PERMANENT, they are TEMPORARY fillers. They are composed of Non-Animal Stabilised Hyaluronic Acid, which is a stable biodegradeable substance. What are HA Fillers?

35. Tear Trough Filler By filling in the tear trough using HA filler, the eye bags can appear less prominent, thus making the transition from the eyes to the cheeks smoother. By depositing this product through the hollow, it is possible to lift this groove and fill in the tear trough. Because this is an area that does not move much, dermal fillers tend to last much longer here than other areas (as filler is a metabolised product). Usually ½ – 1ml of product is sufficient for this area.

36. Tear Trough Filler

37. PRP is a process of using a patient’s own blood, to stimulate collagen production. This improves the skins texture, tone and its healing/rejuvenation capacity. Platelet Rich Plasma

38. PRP is a great treatment for eye rejuvenation in all age brackets It helps to smooth and plump the skin/fine lines  Fine lines that develop around the eyes are due to skin laxity caused from declining collagen and elastin. Botulinum toxin is of limited benefit for these lines as they are generally not due to muscle activity. While dermal fillers are generally used to re-establish the volume loss in the tear trough, you can’t really use fillers for the fine eyelid lines. This is where PRP is really useful as it really helps improve the texture and elasticity of thinning
eyelid skin. PRP

39. Blood contains plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Platelets are small cells with a life span of about 7-10 days. Inside platelets contain granules which contain clotting and growth factors (collagen). During the healing process, the platelets are activated and aggregate together. They then release the granules which contain growth factors (collagen) which stimulate the inflammatory cascade and healing process. Whenever there is inflammation and healing- Collagen is made!! What Is PRP?

40. As we age (both from intrinsic and extrinsic factors) your skin finds its production and growth of collagen severely diminished. Collagen provides the scaffolding of the body. It is found all over the body, its what gives our skin structure and support. Collagen gives our skin youth, through plumpness and strength. As one of the main components of the skin, maintaining and replacing damaged collagen is a major cosmetic concern. This is why collagen stimulating treatments are SO IMPORTANT. These treatments will replace the degraded protein and stimulate cells to produce new collagen. Lets discus Collagen!!

41. Dermapen is a unique non-invasive micro-needling device the procedure uses an electric automated pen like instrument that has disposable needles attached on the tip. As the needles are passed over the skin, tiny punctures are created within the epidermis and dermis that encourage the skin’s own natural healing response, thus stimulating the body’s natural ability to regrow and repair the skin through collagen regeneration. Dermapen + PRP work amazing together!! Dermapen

42. 20s-30s Botox is an excellent starting point for eye rejuvenation. This can prevent crows feet and also reduce eye bags due to excessive muscle movement. Filler may also be used in this age group for tear troughs, however as clients in this age group have strong muscles around the eye area; This can very easily be reversed by Botox. This releases the tension of the muscles improving eye bags instantly. Overview of Age Groups

43. 30s-40s Once you reach the late 30s and 40s; Botox to the eye area should be combined with other treatments. Why?? Collagen stimulation!! Other treatments include Dermapen and PRP Filler is also a great treatment for clients in this age group, due to the amount of fat pad loss.

44. 50s-60s A combination of treatments should be used on this age group. Depending on the results the client is after a treatment plan would entail: 1. Botox 2. Filler 3. PRP and Dermapen 4. In some cases client will need surgery for excessive skin laxity, fat pads and eyelid hooding.

45. Side Effects Botox, Bruising, Bleeding, Redness, Swelling at injection site. Headache Filler: Swelling at injection site, Bruising, Redness, Tenderness, Sore/achy where filler was injected PRP, Bruising is a high possibility, Swelling, Tenderness, Clients may feel sore and achy, Redness. Dermapen: Very Red, Sore like a sun burn, Heat in the area, Pin point bleeding (looks like bruising).

Book a consultation

Your aesthetic concerns are unique to you, which is why we recommend scheduling a Complimentary Consultation to discuss your specific needs and expectations. During the consultation, our experienced team of specialists will discuss which treatments are appropriate and provide a tailored treatment plan that is best suited to achieve results within your budget. We prioritize open communication and informed decision-making, ensuring that you feel confident and comfortable throughout your aesthetic journey.

Rest assured that our dedicated team is dedicated to your safety, satisfaction, and achieving the best possible outcomes. We look forward to welcoming you for your consultation and embarking on this transformative experience together. Your unique vision is our top priority, and we're excited to help you achieve it.

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